This intervention embedded within Village Savings and Loans Associations activities is derived from on-going initiatives in HLCs where some parents participating in the VSLAs engage in adult literacy and numeracy activities. The intervention aims at increasing numeracy and financial literacy supports to enable VSLA groups transform into microenterprises as a form of community socio-economic empowerment. It contributes to SDG  4 targets 4.5 and 4.6.

The intervention includes Adult Livelihoods-led and Financial literacies to improve economic agency and financial stability.

Parenting sessions to help parents develop skills to better support their children’s development and educational journey.

Adult Literacies

The Bilingual Home-schooling Programme

As a contribution to SDG 4 target 4.1 and  4.5, this programme will focus on piloting a  bilingual education intervention as a modelfor increasing home schooling inhard-to-reach areas where mass media  including radio, TV and internet are not  easily accessible to learners. The programme  will aim at using distance learning to engage  upper primary pupils improve in reading and  math. Self-study education packages for use  at home/HLC by in- and out-of-school  learners will be produced in English and local  languages in both print and video formats to  aid comprehension.

  • Upper primary pupils engaged in reading and math using bilingual and ICT based self-study packages, and life skills development activities

Literacy and Adult Basic Education has adapted the Village Savings and Loans Associations approach to build funds and assets for Home Learning Centre Education Interventions, ensure community ownership and create sustainability pathways.

Our Purpose

The LABE VSLA Purpose and Objectives:

The purpose of the LABE VSLA intervention is to empower the Home Learning Centres to undertake sustainable education activities in their communities, and fulfill the following 5 objectives;

  • To create an education fund that will help in sustaining education interventions in the Home Learning Centres.

  • To increase household financial security through savings and create a social fund for relief of members experiencing emergencies.

  • To provide financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills training.

  • To provide the opportunity for loans for investments and other needs.

  • To provide avenues for acquisition and use of literacy and numeracy skills.

From the Organisational perspective, VSLAs in HLCs amplify LABE’s desire to deliver literacy learning combined with development of other skills namely, literacy as life-wide learning.